Saturday, December 13, 2008

72-Hour Observations

Weekend Psych News

Georgia on our minds: As published here earlier this week, mental health officials in the Peach State have before them a plan to privatize their entire psychiatric care system. Today, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that Gov. Sonny Perdue's mental health commission is requesting answers to "21 'critical questions' " about privatization in an apparent effort to preclude any hasty decisions.

Stress tips from Mental Health America: MHA has issued guidelines for reduing stress in these uncertain times. You can read about them at

Not in my backyard: Residents in Brooksville, Florida are hopping mad over a proposal that would place a facility treating men with co-occurring disorders in their neighborhood. One such neighbor, Amanda Goodell, is quoted in Hernando Today, "I lost my voice Wednesday going around talking to parents." At issue? Some neighbors are concerned that the facility's residents will pose a threat to area children.Sphere: Related Content

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